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What are the steps to publishing my own book?The basic 8 steps to publishing your book: 1) Choose a topic. 2) Write your manuscript. 3) Edit your book. 4) Choose a title (and) subtitle. 5) Design your book cover with ISBN. 6) Format your book with LCCN. 7) Upload your book to publisher. 8) Publish your electronic and/or printed book. MariLee Publishing offers a list of consultant services to help you in these areas:
Can I insert pictures in my book?Yes! Photographs and images in your book can help you tell your story and add interest, clarity and excitement to your book. However, the laws and regulations for when you can and can’t use a photograph in your book can be confusing. As a rule, if you didn’t take the picture yourself, you have to have written permission from the copyright holder to use the image in your book. The two exceptions to this are: Public Domain and Fair use. MariLee Publishing can help you understand and succeed in this process.
What is an ISBN and LCCN?The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 10 or 13-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally. The LCCN Is a Library of Congress Control Number that is a serially based method of numbering books in the Library of Congress in the United States. You will need an ISBN and an LCCN (optional but recommended) for your books. You’ll need a separate ISBN for every type of format for your book as well. MariLee Publishing will teach you how to attain these numbers and offers a service for all of its authors.
Should I use a traditional publisher and self publish?Traditional Publishing To publish with a major publishing house, you'll need to submit a query letter or a proposal alongside your manuscript. Once this package is received by a publishing house, an editor will read it over and decide whether to offer the author a deal.The publisher owns the book and the author will receive royalties or an advance on future royalties. Royalty percentages are often low but pricing, distribution and marketing are limited to the publishing house. Self-Publishing In recent years, the popularity of self-publishing methods has risen dramatically. There are many independent (Indie) publishers or print on-demand publishers. As a self-publishing author, you produce the final draft and supply the funds required to design, market, and distribute your book. Income from royalties can double using a self-publisher MariLee Publishing can help minimize time and cost and help you take more control over your book and the royalties you deserve.
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